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The detailed content includes photos/videos related to the research, along with brief explanations!
Click on each title to see more details!
The detailed content includes photos/videos related to the research, along with brief explanations!
Reinforcement Learning with the Franka Emika Panda
Use MuJoCo - Advanced Physics Simulation
Developing an Adaptive Locomotion Strategy for a Quadruped Robot
Use RaiSim & A1 from Unitree Robotics
Development of Aerial Manipulator System for Object Manipulation
Use Dynamixel from ROBOTIS
ROS Mirobot for Path Planning
Use Mirobot from WLKATA Robotics
OpenMANIPULATOR-X for Path Planning
Teleoperation of manipulator using force feedback
Use modified OpenMANIPULATOR-X from ROBOTIS
Augmented reality implementation through OCR image text scanning
OCR + Aruco detection + AR
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